Friday, May 10, 2019

40's in a Bag

This past weekend I went to an exclusively euro car meet with big focus on VW and Audi. There were a few others which is why I prefaced as euro cars, but it was mainly German engineering. Unfortunately, I didn’t bring Val because I didn’t feel like she was “show ready” at the time but as soon as I arrived I knew I made a mistake. Even though this was my first time going to this meet, you can tell as soon as you pull up that this is a different type of meet. It’s a two day meet in Olivebridge, NY where you drink a 40oz and then place your empty 40 in front of the car that you like the most. It’s held on private property by the meet coordinator, Aaron, and his neighbor who generously let’s people camp out on his side of the property. The three awards you can win are the “People’s Choice,” award, the “Biggest Piece of Shit,” award and the “Coordinator’s Choice,” award. That last one is just Aaron’s favorite. 

The first person I met was JD. He had a beautiful ’86 forest green golf with a matching green cabrio converted to a camper in tow. They made quite the pair. I forgot to take a photo of his set up which I’m kicking myself for now but I’m sure I’ll be seeing more of him. He came over to the tent that me and Patrick, my boyfriend, were running and introduced himself. We swapped stories and we ended up talking about how I’m missing the driver’s side back third of my trim. I’ve been looking for that specific piece for a long time but could only find it in a pack of all six pieces of trim for about $150 at the lowest. Turns out, JD had the exact piece I was looking for at home and he gave it to me for free! When I met up with him a little after the meet so he could give me the trim, he had his two kids in the backseat of his golf and my heart melted. I love that his car isn’t just a show car to him, it’s for his whole family to enjoy. 

This wasn't the raffle car, but it was the car that should've won
in my opinion.
I spoke with Aaron for a little bit too and was pleased to find out that German cars are also a family affair for him too. He has his wife and daughter there the whole day and even up on stage with him. They raffled off a rare garage find Audi Quattro. It was the economy edition but still, it was a Quattro! For those of you who might not know why this is such a big deal, the Quattro is legendary for a few reasons. It’s considered one of the best all-wheel drive systems ever built because instead of being reactive, it’s proactive. This means that the system distributes torque equally to the axel that has more grip unlike other systems that only do this when poor conditions are present. In other words, that’s why this car is the perfect rally car. It predicts which axel will need more torque and is therefore extremely responsive and handles well too.1  

Come on, LOOK at this sick window decal!
Even Aaron couldn’t believe he was raffling this car off, that’s how awesome and rare finding a quattro is. Patrick and I bought three raffle tickets between the two of us and were mentally preparing to take this masterpiece home all day, but we weren’t the lucky winners. If a quattro ever makes its way across my local Craigslist, you already know that it’s all mine. 


This was the black Quattro's partner in crime. The photo
of the two of them is the header photo for this blog!

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40's in a Bag

This past weekend I went to an exclusively euro car meet with big focus on VW and Audi. There were a few others which is why I prefaced ...